A 16-year-old student at Deltona High School was arrested after posting a threatening message on his Xbox account that included a picture of a Glock pistol. This incident is alarming and serves as a reminder of the risks that arise when online contacts expand into real-world situations. The announcement, made in response to a heated fight over online gaming, shocked the neighborhood and sparked discussions about the risks involved in using the Internet, especially for children. The case also highlights the growing need for law enforcement, schools and parents to exercise caution as digital platforms serve as a place for safe play and dangerous connections.
Around 1 p.m. Monday, the incident was made public after Fortify Florida, an anonymous tip line, received a report of the student's threatening post. Since its launch, Fortify Florida, a statewide platform that allows students, parents, teachers and community members to anonymously report tips about potential threats to school safety, has proven to be a vital resource in the fight against school violence. Local law enforcement began a quick investigation after receiving a tip that made them aware of the message.
According to the Volusia County Sheriff's Office, the sixteen-year-old student was part of an online Xbox gaming session when hostility between gamers escalated. The teenager posted a threatening comment alongside a picture of a Glock weapon out of frustration. It was later discovered that the student did not actually have a firearm and that the photo was purchased from the Internet. However, law enforcement officials have not taken the threat lightly in light of growing concerns about school violence and shootings.
Authorities found the student who posted the message quickly after receiving the information. After being called to the student's residence, the police conducted a comprehensive investigation on the spot. The student was found to have no access to a weapon and the Glock was not his after further investigation. Despite this, it was decided that the student's conduct was serious enough to require immediate arrest. He was charged with writing a murder threat, which is illegal in the state of Florida.