A young man in Baton Rouge, Louisiana had an unexpectedly tragic passing. Mason Prima died unexpectedly in a car accident on September 13, 2024. Mason was reportedly a dear son, friend, student and beloved teenager.
A GoFundMe account was created by the family to help raise funds for Mason's funeral arrangements. Burial date is September 18, 2024. “Dear friends, family and kind strangers, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beautiful boy, Mason Prima. He was a truly beloved friend, son, cousin and brother who brought so much love and light into our lives. He will be missed Very much to everyone who knew him.”
We are overwhelmed by all the love, support and prayers. Many of you indicated wishes to help financially. We have set up this page for anyone who wants to donate to the family's immediate needs.
Words cannot explain how we feel about the family. We send our condolences to the entire family. May God rest the soul of the deceased.
We pray for peace and comfort in this time of trouble. May God bless the family. We will pray for God's strength and comfort in the coming days for you and your family. Love and prayers.
Please feel free to send prayers and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased; It will be greatly appreciated during this difficult time.