We regret to inform you of the untimely passing of Laurie Vickery, a former bus driver and employee of the Tea Gardens Country Club and Motel. We will never forget his steadfast dedication and community involvement.
This loss left his co-workers and the community he served deeply saddened. During this difficult time, our thoughts and condolences are with her family and loved ones.
Many people have not held back from sending their sincere condolences to Laurie Vickery's family since news of his death broke, as well as honoring his recent statements. Everyone is asked to remember Lori Vickery's family during this difficult time of unimaginable grief.
We are deeply saddened by your passing and grieve with family and friends for this significant loss. We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of this promising entity. We sincerely apologize and hope our prayers bring you comfort. Please accept our deepest sympathy.
Please feel free to send prayers and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased; It will be greatly appreciated during this difficult time.