The devastating news of the death of Rhett Carson Green, a beloved two-year-old girl who departed this life too soon, left the small village of Brooker, Florida, enveloped in deep sorrow and grief. Rhett was born in Middleburg, Florida on July 5, 2022. Despite his short life span, he was an extraordinary person for the love and happiness he spread. The little boy passed away suddenly on September 21, 2024, but even in his early years, he had a profound effect on everyone who came in contact with him. He was a beloved young man who made a lasting impression on all those around him with his infectious laugh, lively curiosity and kind demeanor.
It's clear that Rat lived life to the fullest for everyone he came in contact with. His adventurous personality, boundless energy and ability to quickly boost everyone around him with a bright smile will always be remembered by his family and friends. Rhett packed more happiness, love and fun into his two years – a shockingly short life – than many people do in a lifetime. Wherever he went his influence was felt, and although his legacy was short, those who had the honor of knowing him will always appreciate it.
A young spirit of joy and adventure
Without question, Rhett was a curious young man up for adventure. One of his defining characteristics was his unwavering love for the outdoors, even at such a young age. People who know Rhett remember how he would take every opportunity to go on an adventure, passionately exploring the world around him. Rhett never missed an opportunity to get his hands dirty, hunting for deer and turkeys in the nearby woods, or lending a hand to projects that involved riding a tractor or truck. He had a passionate and open love for the outdoors and was constantly looking for the next fascinating discovery.
The most perfect example of Rhett's tremendous joie de vivre was his ecstatic reaction when he spotted a white car driving by. He was playful and loving, as can be seen in his enthusiastic exclamations, “There's a daddy!” Every time he saw one. His affection for his grandfather, whom he called “Dad”, in particular, was clear and unflinching. Rhett had a close relationship with his family, and was always happy to be around them.