In a heartbreaking turn of events, Lincoln police have identified the person who died in a late-night crash on South Folsom Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. Max Wonka, 31, was the victim; After his pickup truck veered off the road and overturned into the Haynes Branch Creek, he was pronounced dead at the scene.
On September 10, 2024, at approximately 10:20 p.m., the incident occurred near West Prospector Court, just southwest of Interstate 77 and the West Van Doorn Street exit. Wonka was the only person in the car at the time of the collision, according to the initial police report. Although law enforcement and emergency workers were dispatched to the scene, Wonka could not be saved.
Wonka's truck, according to investigators, drove off South Folsom Street, slid into a ditch, crossed an embankment, then overturned, ending up in a creek. The police report did not mention any apparent contributing variables, such as the weather or mechanical failure, and the exact cause of the incident is still unknown. There were no other cars involved in the collision, and no witnesses have yet provided new details.
Lincoln Police are still investigating what led to the fatal collision. The task of piecing together the series of events that led to this tragic tragedy was assigned to the officers of the department's traffic enforcement and accident reconstruction teams.